招牌.北魏.文字風景|Shop signs, Beiwei and cityscape of words in Hong Kong——《招牌.北魏.文字風景》是由香港理工大學設計學院的信息設計研究室策劃的文字講座,講者分享日常所見所用的字體,無論大至街道上的招牌還是小至印刷品用的字體,都成為了香港的城巿景觀的一部分。主視覺中的角字代表著講者們對不同文字項目的不斷鑽研,分別使用了三種不同風格的角字代表三組講者,以不同的角色和角度喚醒公眾對香港字體文化的意識。——‘Shop signs, Beiwei and cityscape of words in Hong Kong’ is a seminar organised by Information Design Lab and Who Cares? from School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Guest speakers are invited to share daily life examples of utilising Chinese scripts. From types in prints to characters on shop signs that we see on the streets, altogether, formed Hong Kong’s cityscape. The Chinese character ‘角’ in the main visual symbolise the speakers’ meticulous studies in Chinese scripts. Three visual styles were applied to the character in representation of the three speakers, imply the different roles (‘角’色in Chinese) and perspectives (‘角’度in Chinese) that the seminar would offer to raise the public’s awareness towards Hong Kong’s type culture....